Thursday, May 17, 2012


You can probably tell from my profile icon that I have a thing for horse-chestnuts. I usually have a few hanging around the house, & it suddenly occurred to me that I should paint one for IF's kernel prompt!

Acrylic on horse-chestnut kernel, ~2" wide


  1. WHOOOOOOAAAAA! I have never seen a horse chestnut before and seeing one for the first time, well, I never, I never thought it had incredibly beautiful face!? I love that you find even the tiniest thing so artful! Good night. Tsup!

  2. I love that little face. It's so ALIVE!! Every fall, a friend of mine goes to the woods to pick up various treasures for me, including pine cones, unusual leaves, and Japanese horse chestnuts, since bad legs make it hard for me to get out of the house. Japanese horse chestnuts are a little different from western ones. Yours makes a splendid canvas!

  3. you are so funny , I know these guys very well, too, peeping at me from all over the place in every forest , park of backyard

  4. A perfect little treasure! I love your creativity.

  5. Stunning work on such a small and awesomely textured nut! I am not familiar with the nut, but will be on the lookout for future canvases of a similar nature. Brilliant.

  6. I love this! There are horse chestnuts around me, but since I live in the "Buckeye State" maybe I'll paint something on one of those instead. Doubt mine will be as cute though. I love this guy!

  7. Such luminous eyes on such a small and challenging canvas! Love it!

  8. your painting has just made my day i love horse chestnuts i have a few horse chestnut trees in my garden which i planted as a kid and they have just started flowering this year. So i hope i'l have my first conker this year fingers crossed.!!
